Wendy Myers’s
Platinum Coaching Program

Wendy Myers’s
Platinum Coaching Program

Get your life back with the most advanced
detox and rejuvenation program ever created.


You don't need another rant from me about the horrors of heavy metals...

You don't need another rant from me about the horrors of heavy metals...

You know that already.

If you’re anything like I was... I’m guessing you’re here because:

You know that already.

If you’re anything like I was... I’m guessing you’re here because:

  • Weight loss seems unfairly hard
  • Your energy is a daily battle (even with coffee)
  • You’re noticing more aging in the mirror
  • New aches and pains seem to be popping up out of nowhere
  • And more than anything, you want to wake up with JOY
  • Weight loss seems unfairly hard
  • Your energy is a daily battle (even with coffee)
  • You’re noticing more aging in the mirror
  • New aches and pains seem to be popping up out of nowhere
  • And more than anything, you want to wake up with JOY
  • Weight loss seems unfairly hard
  • Your energy is a daily battle (even with coffee)
  • You’re noticing more aging in the mirror
  • New aches and pains seem to be popping up out of nowhere
  • And more than anything, you want to wake up with JOY
  • Weight loss seems unfairly hard
  • Your energy is a daily battle (even with coffee)
  • You’re noticing more aging in the mirror
  • New aches and pains seem to be popping up out of nowhere
  • And more than anything, you want to wake up with JOY

It’s probably been years, maybe DECADES, since you’ve felt that.

That's why I want to help you achieve life-changing results:

It’s probably been years, maybe DECADES, since you’ve felt that.

That's why I want to help you achieve life-changing results:

You CANNOT achieve true health unless you purge heavy metals and environmental chemicals from your body.

We want to help you:

YOU Getting Your Body and Life Back

YOU Getting Your Body and Life Back

You shouldn’t have to become an expert to have the health, energy levels, weight, or natural joy you deserve.

All you need to do is BE SUPPORTED in the process of clearing away all the dangerous toxins you already know you’ve accumulated—and are continuing to be exposed to.

Because the damage they do to your organs (liver, thyroid, brain, gut, and more)... as well as your aging on a cellular level... makes it impossible for you to be fully healthy.

That is... until you detox from them.

You shouldn’t have to become an expert to have the health, energy levels, weight, or natural joy you deserve.

All you need to do is BE SUPPORTED in the process of clearing away all the dangerous toxins you already know you’ve accumulated—and are continuing to be exposed to.

Because the damage they do to your organs (liver, thyroid, brain, gut, and more)... as well as your aging on a cellular level... makes it impossible for you to be fully healthy.

That is... until you detox from them.

Finally Remove Your Most
Toxic Metals (and Much More)

Whether it’s stubborn fat, cravings, low energy, depression, brain fog, weak immune system and more... nothing transforms your health or changes your life as much as removing heavy metals.

The problem is... without the proper testing protocols, there’s simply no way to know which metals you have, and how to remove them.

So the foundation of this new program and protocol is a radically improved testing process that covers every possible area that’s affecting your health.

Finally Remove Your Most Toxic Metals (and Much More)

Whether it’s stubborn fat, cravings, low energy, depression, brain fog, weak immune system and more... nothing transforms your health or changes your life as much as removing heavy metals.

The problem is... without the proper testing protocols, there’s simply no way to know which metals you have, and how to remove them.

So the foundation of this new program and protocol is a radically improved testing process that covers every possible area that’s affecting your health.

Not only will my Platinum Coaching Program give you 1-on-1 support — it will save you YEARS and a small fortune in lost time and money.

Not only will my Platinum Coaching Program give you 1-on-1 support — it will save you YEARS and a small fortune in lost time and money.

The advanced testing included in this program will help you understand:

The advanced testing included in this program will help you understand:

Praise from Those Who’ve Worked With Me:

Praise from Those Who’ve Worked With Me:

This is the most advanced heavy metal detox coaching and wellness program I’ve ever created — and I believe the most powerful in existence today.  

Clients have reported:

This is the most advanced heavy metal detox coaching and wellness program I’ve ever created — and I believe the most powerful in existence today.  

Clients have reported:

Everything You Receive with my
Platinum Coaching Program:

Everything You Receive with my Platinum Coaching Program:

PLUS! A 10% discount on your detox supplements for six months

PLUS! A 10% discount on your detox supplements for six months

Before and After Testing Guarantees
You’ll Make More Progress in 6 Months
Than You Have in Your Entire Life

To ensure we get to the bottom of what’s limiting you, I’ve created a more personalized protocol, with all new tests.

Eight 1-on-1 Coaching Sessions with Me

These 30-minute sessions allow me to personally guide you through what your results mean, and how your health... energy... physical appearance... and overall happiness are being hurt by all of these dangerous toxins.

And, of course, I want to guide you to success! No one has worked harder or helped more individuals cleanse these especially harmful toxins over the years than I have.

I CAN help you. And I’d LOVE to look at your data, talk with you about your lifestyle, challenges and struggles... and help guide you to success.

Your Personal “Detox DNA” Test

This is unbelievably exciting! This test isn’t even publicly available yet—but because of my relationship with the founders, they’re letting my inner circle/VIP members take advantage of it. And for reference, other genetic tests, like 23 and Me—cover just 10 detox genetics. This test does 70! And unlike other tests, its results are 100% private...

Make no mistake: accurate DNA is a critical piece of data in understanding how you best eliminate toxins. Otherwise, you might waste your time in methods that aren’t effective for you.

This breakthrough test is not yet available to the general public, and includes non-genetic factors, such as your diet, lifestyle, environment and body chemistry. It gives you access to personal health platform combines three core sets of data together (called EpiBioGenetics) to give you a much deeper look at your health beyond DNA alone.

The company I work for your Detox DNA test correlates all this data together and compare it against 40,000+ medical studies to give you a personalized blueprint of your unique health, complete with a current health score, metabolic score, and a toxic risk score.

Once your DNA test is complete, your results are color-coded and organized for you in priority order, with the most important action steps to take listed first.

I’ve never offered this before, and I’m thrilled to be able to give you more personalized recommendations on diet, lifestyle, toxins, nutrition, and supplements to minimize the risks that show up in your genetics, so you have a much healthier (and hopefully a much longer and happier) life.

And this is just ONE of the tests you’ll receive in this new program.

The Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) Test

Ever since my very popular article on the Bulletproof blog about hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) testing, I’ve become well-known for this in my work. It’s one of the very best ways to detect the presence of specific heavy metals and potential mineral deficiencies.

As part of this process, you’ll actually get TWO tests—one at the beginning, and one in six months. This is because, as we detox, some toxic metals that have been deeply buried in our system take more time to show up. And they only come up AFTER you’ve started taking supplements and doing detox protocols to detox these metals.

Doing a second, follow-up HTMA test will help me optimize your progress and results and update your supplement protocol...

Liver Detox Ability Test

Your liver is your chief organ of detoxification. But the liver has many other critical roles as well, such as helping convert food into immediate energy... digestion (through bile secretion)... hormone production (including sexual desire)... producing vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and so much more.

Unfortunately, when your liver is burdened by toxins—especially ultra-damaging toxins like heavy metals—all of these essential functions get disrupted. The result: you feel chronically tired, struggle to lose weight, can’t digest your food, battle with mood and sex drive (hormones), the list is ENDLESS.

This test will give us a clear picture of where your liver is at—and what we need to do in order to restore its ability to detox and do its many jobs.

The Urine Metals Test

The reason we cover hair, stool, AND urine is that we want to cover EVERY possible source and data point for heavy metals in your body. My philosophy is “leave no stone unturned”—especially when we’re talking about a substance THIS toxic!

The urine metals test measures urinary excretion of 15 nutrient elements and 20 toxic metals. These include classic toxins such as lead, mercury, and arsenic (which we cross-reference with your hair and stool results)—as well as newer technology toxins such as niobium.

In my experience, a urine test will often reveal a very different picture than the hair or stool, and help my clients pinpoint hidden sources of metal toxicity that are creating confusing health symptoms (like having low energy, or stubborn weight, and not knowing why).

The Fecal Metals or “Poop” Test

Sounds gross, I know—but this is HIGHLY effective in revealing metals that you can’t find through the hair or urine alone.

The is the best test for cadmium, which is one of the most carcinogenic metals known to man. If you have it, you want to know if it’s in your body. And the stool test is the only definitive test for it..

Stool also is the only method that reveals silver from mercury amalgam fillings that kill gut bacteria. You need to remove this metal to restore gut flora and proper digestion. If you have digestive issues, silver and cadmium could be culprits.

There are no DMSA or chelators required in taking this test; it’s fast, easy and highly effective.

The Toxic Halides Test

Because some of the worst toxins we are exposed to are halides like fluoride, and bromide. Halides are MAJOR disruptors of thyroid hormones, among other things. If you have low thyroid or high levels of fluoride and bromine, this is a problem that needs to be monitored.

And when your thyroid isn’t working properly—good luck having energy or losing weight!

Once I know your halide levels, I can give you some effective ways to remove these highly toxic substances quickly and safely...

This test will also tell me if you need iodine or not. Iodine is also a halide. It’s just not toxic. Iodine is what your thyroid hormones are made of. Low iodine = low thyroid function.
But other halides compete with and prevent iodine uptake in the thyroid. That’s one of the big reasons you want to know your levels, because they impact your thyroid function so dramatically. And it’s a big reason so many people have thyroid issues.

You need to know your iodine and halide levels to know if you need iodine and how much.

Of course, testing alone is not enough—you could spend thousands of dollars and do those on your own. So I’m also going to give you...

NES Bioenergetic Scan

Often, our lifelong exposure to toxins, stress, poor sleep, even emotional trauma... can create profound imbalances in the body, which limit the ceiling on your health, energy, metabolism, mental clarity, and more.

It’s surprising how much emotional trauma plays a role in physical health issues. There’s nothing better to address this than a NES Health scan.

The NES scan is the best tool for revealing immune system malfunction, EMF sensitivity, if you’re grounded, what toxins your body isn’t handling well and what nutrients you aren’t absorbing well and so much more.

This scan and sophisticated software helps me recommend a customized protocol that will help you feel better faster. Many who’ve done this notice twice as much benefit versus just doing the HTMA test and nutritional supplements alone.

If you’re doing NES already, we’ll simply do a new NES Scan for you that I’ll review.

Before and After Testing Guarantees
You’ll Make More Progress in 6 Months
Than You Have in Your Entire Life

To ensure we get to the bottom of what’s limiting you, I’ve created a more personalized protocol, with all new tests.

Eight 1-on-1 Coaching Sessions with Me

These 30-minute sessions allow me to personally guide you through what your results mean, and how your health... energy... physical appearance... and overall happiness are being hurt by all of these dangerous toxins.

And, of course, I want to guide you to success! No one has worked harder or helped more individuals cleanse these especially harmful toxins over the years than I have.

I CAN help you. And I’d LOVE to look at your data, talk with you about your lifestyle, challenges and struggles... and help guide you to success.

Your Personal “Detox DNA” Test

This is unbelievably exciting! This test isn’t even publicly available yet—but because of my relationship with the founders, they’re letting my inner circle/VIP members take advantage of it. And for reference, other genetic tests, like 23 and Me—cover just 10 detox genetics. This test does 70! And unlike other tests, its results are 100% private...

Make no mistake: accurate DNA is a critical piece of data in understanding how you best eliminate toxins. Otherwise, you might waste your time in methods that aren’t effective for you.

This breakthrough test is not yet available to the general public, and includes non-genetic factors, such as your diet, lifestyle, environment and body chemistry. It gives you access to personal health platform combines three core sets of data together (called EpiBioGenetics) to give you a much deeper look at your health beyond DNA alone.

The company I work for your Detox DNA test correlates all this data together and compare it against 40,000+ medical studies to give you a personalized blueprint of your unique health, complete with a current health score, metabolic score, and a toxic risk score.

Once your DNA test is complete, your results are color-coded and organized for you in priority order, with the most important action steps to take listed first.

I’ve never offered this before, and I’m thrilled to be able to give you more personalized recommendations on diet, lifestyle, toxins, nutrition, and supplements to minimize the risks that show up in your genetics, so you have a much healthier (and hopefully a much longer and happier) life.

And this is just ONE of the tests you’ll receive in this new program.

The Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) Test

Ever since my very popular article on the Bulletproof blog about hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) testing, I’ve become well-known for this in my work. It’s one of the very best ways to detect the presence of specific heavy metals and potential mineral deficiencies.

As part of this process, you’ll actually get TWO tests—one at the beginning, and one in six months. This is because, as we detox, some toxic metals that have been deeply buried in our system take more time to show up. And they only come up AFTER you’ve started taking supplements and doing detox protocols to detox these metals.

Doing a second, follow-up HTMA test will help me optimize your progress and results and update your supplement protocol...

Liver Detox Ability Test

Your liver is your chief organ of detoxification. But the liver has many other critical roles as well, such as helping convert food into immediate energy... digestion (through bile secretion)... hormone production (including sexual desire)... producing vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and so much more.

Unfortunately, when your liver is burdened by toxins—especially ultra-damaging toxins like heavy metals—all of these essential functions get disrupted. The result: you feel chronically tired, struggle to lose weight, can’t digest your food, battle with mood and sex drive (hormones), the list is ENDLESS.

This test will give us a clear picture of where your liver is at—and what we need to do in order to restore its ability to detox and do its many jobs.

The Urine Metals Test

The reason we cover hair, stool, AND urine is that we want to cover EVERY possible source and data point for heavy metals in your body. My philosophy is “leave no stone unturned”—especially when we’re talking about a substance THIS toxic!

The urine metals test measures urinary excretion of 15 nutrient elements and 20 toxic metals. These include classic toxins such as lead, mercury, and arsenic (which we cross-reference with your hair and stool results)—as well as newer technology toxins such as niobium.

In my experience, a urine test will often reveal a very different picture than the hair or stool, and help my clients pinpoint hidden sources of metal toxicity that are creating confusing health symptoms (like having low energy, or stubborn weight, and not knowing why).

The Fecal Metals or “Poop” Test

Sounds gross, I know—but this is HIGHLY effective in revealing metals that you can’t find through the hair or urine alone.

The is the best test for cadmium, which is one of the most carcinogenic metals known to man. If you have it, you want to know if it’s in your body. And the stool test is the only definitive test for it..

Stool also is the only method that reveals silver from mercury amalgam fillings that kill gut bacteria. You need to remove this metal to restore gut flora and proper digestion. If you have digestive issues, silver and cadmium could be culprits.

There are no DMSA or chelators required in taking this test; it’s fast, easy and highly effective.

The Toxic Halides Test

Because some of the worst toxins we are exposed to are halides like fluoride, and bromide. Halides are MAJOR disruptors of thyroid hormones, among other things. If you have low thyroid or high levels of fluoride and bromine, this is a problem that needs to be monitored.

And when your thyroid isn’t working properly—good luck having energy or losing weight!

Once I know your halide levels, I can give you some effective ways to remove these highly toxic substances quickly and safely...

This test will also tell me if you need iodine or not. Iodine is also a halide. It’s just not toxic. Iodine is what your thyroid hormones are made of. Low iodine = low thyroid function.
But other halides compete with and prevent iodine uptake in the thyroid. That’s one of the big reasons you want to know your levels, because they impact your thyroid function so dramatically. And it’s a big reason so many people have thyroid issues.

You need to know your iodine and halide levels to know if you need iodine and how much.

Of course, testing alone is not enough—you could spend thousands of dollars and do those on your own. So I’m also going to give you...

NES Bioenergetic Scan

Often, our lifelong exposure to toxins, stress, poor sleep, even emotional trauma... can create profound imbalances in the body, which limit the ceiling on your health, energy, metabolism, mental clarity, and more.

It’s surprising how much emotional trauma plays a role in physical health issues. There’s nothing better to address this than a NES Health scan.

The NES scan is the best tool for revealing immune system malfunction, EMF sensitivity, if you’re grounded, what toxins your body isn’t handling well and what nutrients you aren’t absorbing well and so much more.

This scan and sophisticated software helps me recommend a customized protocol that will help you feel better faster. Many who’ve done this notice twice as much benefit versus just doing the HTMA test and nutritional supplements alone.

If you’re doing NES already, we’ll simply do a new NES Scan for you that I’ll review.

Those are all prices that I would charge individuals who came to me wanting a test and interpretation from me.  

And I’ve actually charged my high-end clients  
even more than the $10,600 all this work would cost.

The dilemma for me is that this program takes a TON of my personal time. There are all the tests, interpretations and calls, email support—and I’m committed to you finishing the program with the most powerful detox and dramatic transformation possible.

Because I can only take so much time away from my other projects and business, I’m able to offer this program to a very limited number of people.

All factors considered, given everything you receive...
I believe that $4,999 is a very modest price.  

It’s a number that justifies the considerable time I invest with you; and it’s enough of an investment that anyone who joins and commits will take it VERY seriously.

Is $4,999 a lot of money? Sure. But is it a lot... for removing dangerous toxins that will transform your health, energize you, uplift you... change the way you look and feel... and positively impact you for the next 10, 20, or 30 years?

No—in that context, I think it’s a steal. Especially when you consider the long-term medical costs that this will save you. Or, the fact that many people spend tens of thousands of dollars on their health...and fail to get the results they want.

Those are all prices that I would charge individuals who came to me wanting a test and interpretation from me.  

And I’ve actually charged my high-end clients  
even more than the $10,600 all this work would cost.

The dilemma for me is that this program takes a TON of my personal time. There are all the tests, interpretations and calls, email support—and I’m committed to you finishing the program with the most powerful detox and dramatic transformation possible.

Because I can only take so much time away from my other projects and business, I’m able to offer this program to a very limited number of people.

All factors considered, given everything you receive...
I believe that $4,999 is a very modest price.  

It’s a number that justifies the considerable time I invest with you; and it’s enough of an investment that anyone who joins and commits will take it VERY seriously.

Is $4,999 a lot of money? Sure. But is it a lot... for removing dangerous toxins that will transform your health, energize you, uplift you... change the way you look and feel... and positively impact you for the next 10, 20, or 30 years?

No—in that context, I think it’s a steal. Especially when you consider the long-term medical costs that this will save you. Or, the fact that many people spend tens of thousands of dollars on their health...and fail to get the results they want.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is this program about?

A: It’s primarily focused on transforming and upgrading your health through heavy metal detox, via every type of metal testing, via Detox DNA, my Myers Detox Protocol and personal coaching from ME.

Based on all the testing offered on this program and viewing your previous medical and functional medical tests, I develop a customized supplement and detox protocol for YOU as an individual.

I give you unlimited email support and hold your hand every step of the way to navigate you through your detox journey.

Heavy metal toxicity is the hidden culprit behind SO MANY health issues, from low energy, to stubborn weight gain, accelerated aging, pain, brain fog and more.

Q: How is this different from other programs you offer?

A: This program is far more in-depth and more effective than any previous 1-on-1 program I’ve offered before. Unlike my other programs, the Work with Wendy Platinum Coaching Program gives you eight detox tests - the most comprehensive and thorough detox testing available.

Many other programs are cookie cutter, you’re on your own, or they’re done with a doctor or coach who doesn’t have my level of experience.

This is about me PERSONALLY guiding you every step of the way to ensure you get amazing results and success.

Q: What problems will it help me address?

A: In all my years, I’ve never met anyone who was totally clear of heavy metals. That’s because they are everywhere: in the air, hidden in foods, environmental or household chemicals, fish, mercury fillings... the list is endless.

And the problem is, metals attack your mitochondria (your cellular source of energy), damage your gut, kill neurons and brain cells, wreck your fat-burning metabolism and more.

Heavy metals affect every organ, organ system and tissue in the body. Therefore, they cause almost every imaginable symptom and are an underlying cause or exacerbate almost every health diagnosis. This is well established in the research.

In fact, Dr Joe Pizzorno, the founder of Bastyr University, that trains many of the nation’s leading functional medical doctors, says that toxins are the #1 primary driver of disease today.

Whether you’re battling with energy or weight, memory issues, or even a more serious condition—removing toxic metals is nearly always the best starting point.

And working 1-on-1 with me is the best way I know to guarantee you actually complete this detox successfully.

Q: I see the price is $4,999. How is it worth that much?

A: The price is actually a STEAL when you consider everything you get:

  • 8 x 30-minute calls with me over a 6-month period (a $2,000 value)
  • Unlimited support emails so I can answer your questions (a $1,500 value)
  • Your DETOX DNA Test + working with me on your results (a $1,500 value)
  • 2 x Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Tests + interpretations (a $1,500 value)
  • Liver Detox Ability Test + interpretation (a $1,500 value)
  • The Fecal Metals Test for hidden metals + interpretation (a $1,000 value)
  • A Urine Metals Analysis Test interpreted personally by me (a $1,000 value)
  • The Myers Detox Protocol Online Course + videos and bonuses (a $600 value)
  • A 10% discount on your detox supplements for six months

This is worth more than $10,600 when sold separately. So already, it’s over 60% off the retail price.

But a better way to think about this price is to figure it against what you stand to lose if you DON’T remove heavy metals and upgrade your health with my help.

In other words, how much is brain fog and inability to focus costing you? What is the price of waking up tired or feeling depressed because your brain has been poisoned by heavy metals?

How much have you spent on doctors, supplements, diets or workout programs that will NEVER work because your body is hanging onto stubborn fat—in order to protect its vital organs from poisonous metals?

What kind of gains would you make in EVERY area of your life... if you had 2-3 times more energy... the body you desire... amazing mental clarity... and the confidence that can only come from having your health fully transformed?

The answer to these questions, for anyone I’ve ever met... is the value is worth much, MUCH more than $4,999.

So don’t think about this as a cost; consider it to be one of the wisest investments you could EVER make in your health and quality of life.

Q: How long is the program and when would I get started?

A: It’s flexible: you can begin this 6-month program anytime you want this year. Once you secure your spot, I’ll send you the details and info you need to do your initial tests. And then, you can set up the start date with me whenever it’s ideal for your schedule.

This is YOUR program, designed and personalized to work best for your schedule and lifestyle.

Q: How do I grab one of the remaining spots?

Don’t Settle for Sub-Par Health.
Take back your health today!
Book a consultation that will change your life