Learn more about the benefits of the Primal Life Organics Skin Care and how it works in this podcast. CLICK HERE
For years, you’ve been slathering those flowery smelling deodorants into your pits. And where did that get you? Exactly NOWHERE. The least little bit of sweat and there’s that all-too-familiar odor…whew. You feel like you’ve been in the gym for 3 hours. Even the dog looks at you like, “Really?” C’mon--it’s time for a dramatic change. It’s time for a Stick Up...
All this time, you’ve been using anti-perspirants and deodorants that help you NOT to sweat. But I’ve got news for you—you WANT to sweat! And here’s why…
Sweating not only cools the body, but it also removes toxins. Antiperspirants actually prevent the body from "purging toxins," which, when trapped, find their way into the lymph nodes, where they concentrate and contribute to harmful cellular changes within the body.
But not our Stick Up™ natural deodorant. Handcrafted FRESH when ordered, Stick Up actually detoxifies and nourishes your pits while preventing odor from the released sweat and toxins and bacteria. Made from ingredients your body craves- organic coconut oil, baking soda (aluminum free) or organic arrowroot powder, and organic pure filtered beeswax, Stick Up is extremely effective at fighting odor, giving you a fresh, clean smell that lasts a long time.
How effective? We tested Stick Up on the pits of hot yogis, runners, extreme cross-fitters and more. And the result? No odor detected! So if it stands up to a sweat-soaked workout, what can it do for YOUR pits?
Plus, Stick Up is free from all chemicals, fragrances, aluminum and toxins.
Now Available in Black Sensitive, Lavender, Coconut, Sensitive Lemon-Clove, and Dirty (Sensitive).
Black Sensitive: Virgin Coconut Oil, Arrowroot Root Powder, Beeswax, Bentonite, Baking Soda(Aluminum Free), Hemp Seed Oil, Bergamont Oil, Peppermint Oil, Lavender Oil, Activated Charcoal
Coconut (Unscented): Virgin Coconut Oil, Baking Soda (aluminum free), Pure Filtered Beeswax
Lavender: Virgin Coconut Oil, Baking Soda (aluminum free), Pure Filtered Beeswax, Lavender Oil
Sensitive Lavender: Virgin Coconut Oil, Arrowroot Powder, Pure Filtered Beeswax, Lavender Oil
Sensitive Lemon-Clove: Coconut Oil, Arrowroot Powder, Pure Filtered Beeswax, Lemon Oil and Clove Bud Oil
Directions: Apply daily and as needed to entire underarm. SMILE.
No chemical preservatives are added, please use within 12 months.
For those making the switch from commercial deodorant and antiperspirants, please be aware that RE-APPLICATION may be necessary for the first few weeks until detox and adjustment takes place. Re-apply when an odor is noticed- the Stick Up should neutralize the odor. Re-application needs should taper as the body adjusts.
We suggest applying a few times a day for the first few weeks while the body purges toxins and adjusts to the Stick Up™
If you do notice an odor, just reapply. The Stick up™ will take the odor away. One more thing- only apply a small amount- 2-3 swipes- and allow it to soak in quickly.